Monday, December 21, 2009


It's amazing how everything can change with a phone call. After trying for months to make something happen and trusting in God to release a blessing on me I finally got a seed of hope. After resolving within myself to pray hard and expect a blessing I finally had a breakthrough. I got a phone call from a potential employer wanting to interview me for a job and my spirit was lifted. I knew that it was the will of God appearing in my life. I was so happy and so relieved. I was all nervous and jittery with excitement. I could finally feel the Lord moving things in my favor.

Not long after that phone call I received another phone call, this time not an interview but a job. I was offered another job that I could immediately begin working when I got to back to Florida. Thank you God! An interview is great but I would have been there for that one interview and still wouldn't have a job or any money. So this was pretty good. There was more to consider though. I needed money in order to be able to move. I'd need money for gas and money for a place to stay until I got paid.

I open my email and there's an email from another employer about doing some urgent work. I thought, perfect. I could make the money that I needed to fund my move. I could make enough to pay my bills, pay for gas, and pay for a place to stay until I got paid. Everything was working out and it was amazing. I thank God profusely and told anyone who would listen about God working right now in my life. For the first time in months I felt a sense of comfort and I could really smile.

Well you know what happens when you start trying to make plans.. yeah God laughs. Things are now becoming super difficult and I'm asking the Lord once again to move something in my favor. I'm trying to sell as much of my stuff as I can so I can have some money just to pay for gas. I don't want to have to borrow any money but the urgent work that I was hired to do apparently became not urgent. I'm still waiting around for that work to begin so I can have some money to just be able to get to Florida. It makes me super nervous that I'm gonna be on my way to my mom's house, 6 hours away, and I'm gonna stop for gas and I'm not going to be able to use my credit card and I won't have any money in my checking account. I'm going to have to try and borrow money from my brother again. So embarrassing but I will repay it.

To compound my stress I've been trying to sell my things because 1) I realize that I don't need any of it 2) I can't take it with me and 3) I really need the money. This has been a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. Luckily, I've been able to sell enough to pay my bills but I'm going to need a lot more. I just want to be able to go a day without having to worry about money. God has blessed, is blessing me, and will bless me.

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