Friday, December 11, 2009


I have been reading The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson. It's a great little story about the journey of a "nobody" from "nowhere" who has a big dream. In pursuit of his big dream, this nobody ends up in a desert wasteland. He feels angry, isolated, and abandoned. He felt that he was given the big dream by the Dream Giver and he trusted in the Dream Giver who was now nowhere to be found when he needed him most. It hearkens back to the Footprints In The Sand poem.

The desert is bleak, dreary, depressing, soul crushing. This desert represents a time in this "nobody's" life when he already gone through so much. He's take a great leap of faith and he's overcome many obstacles only to come to this point where absolutely nothing is going right. He feels that he's made a big mistake in trusting in the Dream Giver and taking such a big risk only to reach this point where all he can see ahead is failure. He had hoped that all that he had already overcome would be the end of his struggles but now trouble surrounded him.

He's desperate and defeated but what he doesn't know is that he's being tested. His faith is being test and he's being molded into someone worthy to accomplish big things. In many ways all of us who have ever strived to do more and be more can relate to this "nobody". We have set out to do things that we didn't know that we were capable of doing but all we know is that it is what we feel we need to accomplish. We have to overcome many obstacles and setbacks and it just seems that there's too much opposition to you making it through but somehow we did it. We accomplished that goal and we feel great. We feel like we have a new beginning and the life we've always dreamed of can finally begin.

Therein lies the rub. This is a new beginning because life keeps moving forward and you have to keep adapting to it. Unfortunately, as you are well aware and God knows also, you don't have everything you need to be able to do what you dream of. But don't worry God knows what it takes to refine you and he's gonna set things in motion to prepare you for it. The problem is, he doesn't tell us any of this! He just goes to work because we asked for it and now he's giving it to us. Sure, you're thinking its gonna be a nice, comfortable experience but God seems to like that "I'm going to throw you into the water and you have to sink or swim" philosophy.

Wilkinson sums up the desert experience in this one sentence: When God seems absent and everything is going wrong, will you still trust God enough to patiently allow Him to prepare you for what's ahead? He explains that "God's motive and plan in the WasteLand is to prepare you to become the person who can succeed at your Dream."

Its up to you to recognize that you're in the desert and its up to you to learn the lessons and develop the tools that God knows you need.

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