Wednesday, December 9, 2009

This Too Shall Pass

Every now and again we all have to go through incredibly tough times. 
People always say that trouble comes in 3s right? 
So one bad thing happens, and another one, and another one. 
Whew, that was 3 right? Ok, survived that.

But what happens when they just keep coming? 
What happens when they keep piling up?
What happens when it seems they just won't stop? 
What do you do when you feel like you're about to break?
Some people turn to destructive behavior. 
Some turn to others to bail them out. 
Some people just try to weather the storm by hiding out. 
Some get active and try to find some way to turn things around. 
Some people turn closer to God.
What's the right thing to do? How would you even know the answer? 
All I know is everything runs in cycles. 
You have your ups and you have your downs. 
What goes around comes around. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. 
What goes up must come down.

Remain faithful and believe that trouble doesn't last.
Everything really will be ok. 
There has never been a situation that NEVER ended. 
So just remind yourself when you're dealing with 
disappointment, tragedy, heartbreak, or doesn't matter, 
this too shall pass.

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