Saturday, December 12, 2009


know you can't control how you feel. You don't choose who you fall in love with. And love is always a risk. I went the first 27 years of my life thinking that I would never fall in love with anyone and then she came along. She was wonderful in the beginning. Everything that I ever said I wanted in a girl. And she seemed to think the world of me too. So what else was I gonna do but fall for her.

I kept telling myself that the feeling would go away. That I just liked her because of the attention that she gave me and the rest was just physical attraction. I didn't really love her. When I started to realize that I was completely wrong I tried to spend less time with her to avoid saying anything. The feelings were gonna go away right? right? WRONG. Just made me want her more. But did she feel the same way. Trying to figure that out was harder than walking a tightrope blindfolded..with no net.

So, when I finally decide that my feelings were real and they weren't gonna go away, she pushes me away. We didn't talk for months and then she finally decides that she doesn't want to keep doing this. I don't think either one of us knows why we stopped talking. I have no idea why she changed so much. How did she go from always wanting to be together to being ok with going 3 months without talking to me? Strange and of course she'll never tell me what happen. Needless to say, we're not best friends anymore and I have no idea where we go from here.

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