Tuesday, December 8, 2009


If you're going through a rough time right now and nothing seems to ever go your way, you're in luck. You find that hard to believe? Well, believe it.

Everything in this world exists in balance, homeostasis, equilibrium. Hot/cold, day/night, young/old, good/evil. Agree? Well, if you're having bad times, you have to be in for some good times. Instead of getting down during the "down" periods you should get excited! You should expect that everything will turn around. You should expect an incredible "up" period.

Depending on just how bad the situation is, you should expect a miracle! That's right a miracle. If you remain in faith, you should be able to look back on many other times in your life where you thought life sucked and everything was going wrong and you were just facing one disaster after another. But somehow, some way, you recovered, right? And you're better because of it right?

I like to think of all my heart breaks and disappointments as God's way of preparing me for the future. I've had tons and tons of disappointment but I know they were things that I had to experience to get to where I am now. If you have major setbacks, expect major progress forward. So even though things aren't going exactly as you planned, this is not the end of you.

You will do more than get through it, you will do more than survive it, you will do more than overcome it. Remember, there has to be a balance to your life. Revel in the rough times, keep your head up, stick your chest out, keep your eyes to the heavens and EXPECT A MIRACLE!! You deserve it.

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