Monday, December 14, 2009


During the trying times in life, you can feel that you are completely alone. You're doing everything you can think of to turn everything around. Nothing seems to be going your way. Where is God? Why isn't he helping you? Is he really gonna let you fail? These are the toughest times of your life and you have nowhere to turn and no one to turn to. Seriously, where is God?

According to this poem, he's not only there with you, he's carrying you through it. He's providing you more support that you ever imagined. In the invisible of course. Why doesn't he make himself visible to us? Why doesn't he come out of the shadows and say hey kid, here I am? Don't worry about a thing, I got you! Why is it only after the drama is over do you get a clue that he was there the whole time? Doesn't he realize how many more people would eagerly follow him if he just made himself visible to us?

Most of us spend so much time trying to figure out if he's really there and what does he want from us that we become skeptical. There are millions of people who just don't want to be made a fool of. Believing in something or someone that doesn't really exist. How can you trust in something you don't see? Most people compare this to the air. You can't see air but you know it's there. You can see the effects of it. Can you really feel the effects of God? I mean you have to rely on faith that he even exists and then rely on miracles to say that he even caress.

Day to day you pray to him and ask him to guide your way and bless you. Does he really hear he? Do you ever hear him? Does he ever answer? Is he really moving things or do things just happen? Does he really move in mysterious ways or is that just something we tell ourselves to quell our anger? We're supposed to rely on something we can't see to explain what we don't understand. It makes my brain hurt. I'm sure God knows what he's requiring of us even if we don't think it's fair.

He says that he is with us always, that he knows our thoughts before we even know them. That he knows our hearts and he has a plan for our lives. Why doesn't he let us in on all of this? We spend our entire lives trying to figure out who we are and what the purpose of life is. I swear if those things were revealed I wouldn't have to spend so much time thinking and struggling through life. Of course it's our experiences and our decisions that ultimately determine who we are and what we will be but if there is a cheat sheet I'd love to sneak a peek at it sometime. I'm just saying.

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