Tuesday, December 8, 2009


There is no way of knowing who in your life can be trusted. It's even harder to know who deserves your trust when you try to see the good in everyone. Some people will be your friends until you need them most and that's when you find out that they couldn't be trusted. I know that I haven't intentionally screwed over anyone so it's odd to me when people screw me over. You give people the benefit of a doubt but never fully trust in them. Take everything they say with caution. A lot of people mean well but they themselves don't even know when they're lying.

The biggest part of working through a breach of trust is to actually try to work it out. If you mistakenly screw someone or you lie to them, don't run from them. Face them like an adult and most times you will be forgiven. There is a reason why that person chose to be your friend and there is a reason why they trusted you. If you don't stick around and prove yourself to them you will lose their friendship. You've already lost the trust.

I encourage you all to not promise anything that is outside of your capability to provide. It's nice to daydream and do a little wishful thinking but don't promise anything when you can't deliver. Enough broken promises and you end up just being a liar. Is that how you want people to think of you? As a liar? God hates liars and so do I.

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