Wednesday, December 16, 2009


So for a few days now I've been harping on the negative things in my life and trying to look on the brighter side of them but now I'm done. Let me take the time to count my blessings and thank God for all the wonderful things that I have to look forward to.

I'm going to be able to go home to spend some much needed time with my family. I love my family. We're not the closest family and that's partly my fault because I'm never home. I moved away for college and rarely came home, even on holidays and summer vacation. There was a very very long drive and not much joy at the end of it. It was not really where I wanted to be most of the time. But I've matured now and I see that you just have to take your family as they are and love them anyway. They are really the only family you get and you have to cherish them. So thank you God for giving me my family back.

I'm going to start a new career very soon. I don't know what that career is and that makes me a little nervous but I know that God has something great in store for me. When one thing doesn't work out you just have to find the strength and determination to pick yourself up, make a new plan, and keep moving forward. Don't dwell on the disappointments or the setbacks because they are not what God wants for you. Your mistakes will be remedied, you failures will be forgotten, your disappointments will be overcome. The future is very very bright and I know that. I've been through a lot this year but I know that my time has come. Thank you God for every step along this path, even the steps where I've fallen down and twisted my ankle, cause you were there every time to pick me up and dust me off. And if I needed it, you were there to carry me when I couldn't walk.

I'm finding love. For one of the first times I can remember in my life, I am actually at the right place at the right time. When things seemed hopeless and I just didn't feel like I should even keep looking I took a step back. I wasn't looking to start anything with anyone. I was gonna enjoy working my charm and smile but I wasn't going to pursue anyone. I enjoy flirting with girls but I didn't get into relationships. I had fallen in love with one girl who hurt me really badly. Amazingly enough, I'm actually still friends with her. I guess you could call us friends. She was the only girl that I was ever sure that I was in love with but for many many reasons we were not together. I pretty much figured if I can't have her I just won't have anyone. I was gonna stop looking and just start enjoying life. Well, along came Sam. Sam has been everything that other girl wasn't. It has been fun, and sweet, and emotional, and completely right. It has been exactly what I need at a time that I most need it. So thank you God, for leading me to a real love, a real woman. I know it won't always be easy, it hasn't been easy but it is definitely worth it.

I've found God. For many many years I had decided that God was real and he was watching over me but I wasn't going to be religious. Still to this day I don't actively practice a particular religion. I hope that's okay with God because I do love the Lord. What I have not liked is church or organized religion. I did go to church earlier in life and it laid the foundation for my beliefs. I was raised as a Baptist in Mississippi. I don't go to church now but I definitely have more of a relationship with God now than when I did. I talk to God daily and I trust that he is leading my path and helping me make decisions. I make the best decisions I can and when I feel that I have made a mistake I pray that he will redeem me. So far it really has been one of those be careful what you ask for things coupled with he may not come when you want him but he's always on time things. I have been able to look back over some rough times and seen that he does provide for me. He lets me fall and then he picks me up and he doesn't do this to toy with me but to teach me. To prepare me for the rougher times ahead. To make sure that I'm ready and I can handle whatever the world throws at me. His faith and belief in me is stronger than what I have in myself. He knows what I'm capable of and he's showing me everyday. So I thank God for believing in me so much and I know this because he never gives you more than you can handle and based on what he's giving me so far he really things I can handle a lot.

These are just a broad description of what I'm thankful for, love, family, my career, and my relationship with God. I will definitely appreciate all these things more and will share them with the world. I'm very blessed and I know it. Hopefully, you can look at your own life now, despite any doubts and disappointments that you may have and realize that you are blessed as well.

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