Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Birthday

I'm sure it may seem strange to most people but I turned 30 last month and I didn't celebrate my birthday. Mostly it was due to the fact that I've recently become so overwhelmingly irritated by the rest of the world that i couldn't stand the thought of spending MY birthday pretending to like people. I decided that I would go to Key West instead, alone. I would do something fun, something that I thought would be good for me mentally. And well yeah that didn't exactly go as I planned. I wasn't able to go to Key West but I still didn't spend my birthday with too many people. I would've been completely content to spend a relaxing day at home. Wake up, workout, play some golf, go to bed early. Sounds like an old person I know. So I'm thinking maybe old people don't do this because they're tired and well old but maybe they do things like that because they just know that it's simpler and less trouble to just do something by themselves. Give me about 20-25 years and I'll have a more definite answer for ya.

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