Friday, August 13, 2010

I Should Be...

It's Friday. I should be at work, dreading being at work. I should be thinking about how much fun I'm gonna have doing whatever I have planned to do after my extremely long and boringly exhausting work day. I should be thinking about the gorgeous girl that I'm meeting up with tonight and if this is gonna end up being a good night. I should be thinking about the rest that I'm gonna get over the weekend. I should be thinking about playing golf over the weekend. I should be thinking about hanging out at the pool or playing basketball. There are plenty of other things, much more enjoyable things, that I should be doing and thinking of doing. Instead I'm not thinking of any of these wonderful things. I am however thinking about my future. Distant and immediate. Thinking, worrying, stressing, wondering, contemplating. I don't know how I got here again but I don't wanna be here. Life should be easy and fun and joyful. Still hoping. Still praying.

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